News & Updates

Rob Greaves

Welcome Back Party & AGM

Come and join The Seaford & District Dog Training Club committee members and trainers for aWelcome Back Party and A.G.M. Saturday 16th October 20217pm for 7:30pm startThe View, Seaford Head Golf Course,Southdown Road, Seaford, BN25 4JS A buffet will be provided and following the formalities, we are hoping for an

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Rob Greaves

We’re Back! (Again)

It brings us great pleasure to announce that we are open (again)! Classes have started for our summer term, with an amended format due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, and we are now taking applications for our winter term classes which will start in September. If you are interested in

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Rob Greaves

COVID-19 Restrictions – Latest Update

On the 31st October 2020, the prime minister declared that the UK will enter a full lockdown, beginning on 5th November. As a result, we have decided to cancel all classes with immediate effect, and to postpone all pending assessments until further notice We would like to thank you all

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Rob Greaves

Our COVID-19 Policy

Here at SDDTC, the safety of our members and staff is paramount. Therefore, we have completed a risk assessment taking into account the latest government guidelines in relation to COVID-19. Please see our new, COVID-19 policy. Policy for returning to training in a safe way 10 key points: 1. There will

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Patricia Sandell

We’re Back!!

Good News! Following a long period of inactivity due to the nationwide lockdown – We are happy to announce that we all set to re-open on the 7th & 8th September. Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are limiting classes to no more that 6 handlers per class, meaning that some

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Patricia Sandell

Our Latest Newsletter

Notes from the Chair – Winter 2019 Welcome everyone to our Winter Newsletter. I’d like to take the opportunity to wish you all a rather belated happy new year and I also hope you enjoyed the Christmas break. I’m pleased to see that the weather has reverted to the more

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